One Year LaterYes, it is the time for the obligatory post about New Year’s Resolutions to get healthy… sorry.

We have all seen the polls that usually put “lose weight” or “eat healthier” or “get in shape” at the top or near the top of most resolution lists. In January, the gym will be filled with folks looking to start their year off on the right foot. Why is it so cliche?

I think bettering one’s self is just human nature. It’s always an important goal and that is why come the new year, many folks strive for this. Personally, I see nothing wrong with it. Take a step out of your comfort zone, step up, and make a real commitment to see yourself fit during 2018.

Throughout the year, I hope to continue posting inspirations, recipes, reviews, transformations and more to help interested folks in their journey. Remember just that, this is a journey that will take time and changes to how you eat, sleep, exercise and think to be successful. If just one person finds the information I post informative, my resolution to help will be a success!

Although I’ve been successful thus far in my weight loss, I still have more to do. My wife and I are partaking in our first personal training session tomorrow! I’m looking forward to changing up our workouts a bit.

With that, I wish you and yours a very happy and healthy 2018!